Autodesk inventor 2015 tutorial for beginners
Autodesk inventor 2015 tutorial for beginners

Right now we are simply going to give our sketch depth and width dimensions (remember we are on the xz plane) Click the dimension tool. I will cover constraints in the next Inventor tutorial. To the right of the sketch section of the tool bar will be the dimensioning and constraint tools. Step 6: We will now give our sketch dimensional constraints. This does not have to be exactly two inches, and I will show you why. Drag the second point out to approximately two inches and click to create the rectangle. I have selected the origin (where all 3 axis intersect). You now have to pick two points to create the rectangle. Step 5: Click on the rectangle tool in the sketch section of the tool bar. Autodesk's classic wheel and somewhat new "view cube", as I call it, will let you snap to certain views top, front, left, right, top-right corner, left-right corner, isometric, etc. You can choose the view with the tools to the upper-right section of the viewport. You will also notice that the viewport has changed views to the plane that you chose to create the sketch.

Autodesk inventor 2015 tutorial for beginners how to#

I will show you how to do that in another tutorial. This is where you can edit parent and child features to change the part. Step 4: Take notice of your new sketch showing up as "sketch1" in the bar to the left. There are tools like spline, rectangle, circle, etc. The sketch section of the toolbar is self-explanatory. That will work as well to start a new sketch. You will notice that if you select a plane (xz plane selected) a quick sketch button will pop up. The 2d sketch tool is located at the top left portion of the toolbar. Step 3: Next we will create a sketch on a plane. For this tutorial I will choose the Standard(in).ipt which will create a part file in inches. This does come in handy when you are dealing with multiple projects. There is even an option to set up a specific path for a project folder. dwg file in both inch and metric, default setups for weldement and sheetmetal parts, and your basic part and assembly files. Step 2: You will notice that there are MANY options to choose from. Step 1: When you first open Inventor you will see this start-up screen.

Autodesk inventor 2015 tutorial for beginners